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<AnimatedSprite /> displays 2D animations defined in a texture atlas. A typical <AnimatedSprite /> will use:

  • an image containing multiple sprites
  • a JSON atlas containing the individual sprite coordinates in the image


<script setup lang="ts">
import { AnimatedSprite } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'

const ASSETS_URL = ''
  + 'assets/main/textures/animated-sprite/'

  <TresCanvas clear-color="#FBB03B">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 0, 15]" />


<AnimatedSprite /> loads resources asynchronously, so it must be wrapped in a <Suspense />.

Compiling an atlas

In typical usage, <AnimatedSprite /> requires both the URL to a texture of compiled sprite images and a JSON atlas containing information about the sprites in the texture.

Compiling source images into a texture atlas is usually handled by third-party software. You may find TexturePacker useful.

Without an atlas

There may be cases where you don't want to supply an atlas to the atlas prop. To do so:

  • Compile your source images into a single image texture.
  • Space each sprite into equally sized columns and rows in the compiled image texture.
  • Ensure no extra padding has been added to the compiled image texture.
  • Set the atlas prop to number of columns, number of rows as [number, number].

Spritesheets in the wild


In the wild, spritesheets are often distributed without atlases and the images are often compiled by hand. It can be difficult or impossible to use these resources directly with <AnimatedSprite />. In many cases, it's advisable to recompile the spritesheet.

How to recompile an existing spritesheet image

  • Cut individual sprites from the spritesheet and paste them into separate layers in an image editing application, e.g., GIMP.
  • Align the layers for animation. Toggling layer visibility on/off will show you how the animation will display, frame to frame.
  • Export layers as individual images.
  • Name the individual images according to the following pattern:
    [animation name][frame number].[extension]
    E.g., walk000.png, walk001.png, idle000.png, idle001.png
  • Compile individual images into an image texture and atlas using a texture packing application, like TexturePacker.


imagestring – URL of the image texture or an image dataURL. This prop is not reactive.
atlasstring | Atlasish
  • If string, the URL of the JSON atlas.
  • If number, the number of columns in the texture.
  • If [number, number], the number of columns/rows in the texture.
  • If AtlasData, the atlas as a JS object.

This prop is not reactive.

definitionsRecord<string, string> – Specify playback frame order and repeated frames (delays). definitions is a record where keys are atlas animation names and values are strings containing an animation definition.

A "animation definition" comma-separated string of frame numbers with optional parentheses-surrounded durations.

Here is how various definition strings convert to arrays of frames for playback:

  • "0,2,1" - [0,2,1], i.e., play frame 0, 2, then 1.
  • "2(10)" - [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2], i.e., play from 2 10 times.
  • "1-4" - [1,2,3,4]
  • "10-5(2)" - [10,10,9,9,8,8,7,7,6,6,5,5]
  • "1-4(3),10(2)" - [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,10,10]
fpsnumber – Desired frames per second of the animation.30
loopboolean – Whether or not the animation should loop.true
animationstring | [number, number] | number – If string, name of the animation to play. If [number, number], start and end frames of the animation. If number, frame number to display.0
pausedboolean – Whether the animation is paused.false
reversedboolean – Whether to play the animation in reverse.false
flipXboolean – Whether the sprite should be flipped, left to right.false
resetOnEndboolean – For a non-looping animation, when the animation ends, whether to display the zeroth frame.false
asSpriteboolean – Whether to display the object as a THREE.Sprite. See THREE.Spritetrue
centerTresVector2 – Anchor point of the object. A value of [0.5, 0.5] corresponds to the center. [0, 0] is left, bottom.[0.5, 0.5]
alphaTestnumber – Alpha test value for the material. See THREE.Material.alphaTest0.0
depthTestboolean – Depth test value for the material. See THREE.Material.depthTesttrue
depthWriteboolean – Depth write value for the material. See THREE.Material.depthWritetrue


frameEmitted when the displayed animation frame changes – at most once per tick, frames may be droppedstring – Name of the newly displayed frame
endEmitted when the animation ends – props.loop must be set to falsestring – Name of the ending frame
loopEmitted when the animation loops – props.loop must be set to truestring – Name of the frame at the end of the loop


The :animation prop holds either the name of the currently playing animation or a range of frames to play, or a frame number to display.

Using named animations as animation

When individual files are converted to a spritesheet/atlas, typically the original images' filenames will be included in the atlas.

<AnimatedSprite /> uses those filenames to automatically group images into animations.

Use either of the following naming conventions for your source images ...

  • [animation name][frame number].[file_extension]
  • [animation name]_[frame number].[file_extension]

... then <AnimatedSprite /> will automatically make all [animation name] available for playback. Just pass [animation name] to the component's :animation prop.


For our Cientos heart cartoon character animation, here's how the filenames map to animation names.

FilenamesAnimation name
cientosIdle0000.png, cientosIdle0001.png, ...cientosIdle
cientosWalk0000.png, cientosWalk0001.png, ...cientosWalk

Try it out by clicking a few times on the character below:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { AnimatedSprite } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const ASSETS_URL = ''
  + 'assets/main/textures/animated-sprite/'

const animations = ref(
  ['cientosIdle', 'cientosIdleToWalkTransition', 'cientosWalk'],

  <TresCanvas clear-color="#82DBC5">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 0, 15]" />
        @click="() => { animations.push(animations.shift() as string) }"


You can supply an object to the :definitions prop. Any named animation can be a key. The value is a string that specifies frame order and delays.


In this demo, the 'idle' animation is comprised of six different images. By default, those images will play sequentially when the :animation prop is 'idle'.

But below, we've added a :definitions prop with this value for the idle key:

'0-5, 0(10), 1-2, 3(20), 4-5, 0-5(3)'

So, instead of playing images 0-5 sequentially, this animation will play instead:

  • 0-5 – Play all six images (0-5) of the animation normally.
  • 0(10), 1-2, 3(20), 4-5 – Play all six images again with a delay of ten frames at the bottom of the bounce (0(10)) and a delay of twenty frames at the top of the bounce (3(20)).
  • 0-5(3) – Finally, play all six images of the animation with a delay of three frames each.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { AnimatedSprite } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'

const ASSETS_URL = ''
  + 'assets/main/textures/animated-sprite/'

  <TresCanvas clear-color="#666">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 0, 15]" />
          cientosIdle: '0-5, 0(10), 1-2, 3(20), 4-5, 0-5(3)',


In addition to being the sprite's anchor point, the :center prop also controls how differently sized source images will "grow" and "shrink". Namely, they "grow out from" and "shrink towards" the center.

Below is a simple animation containing differently sized source images. The anchor is visible at world position 0, 0, 0.
